t: +44 7772 503 027

Health screening

PolyClinica No.1 provides comprehensive and customised health screenings for early disease detection and prevention. Whether or not you are experiencing symptoms, regular comprehensive medical checkups ensure detection of underlying abnormalities and intervention at an early stage.

Our Health Screens utilise state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and expert consultations and examinations by experienced physicians to provide high-quality and comprehensive medical checkups. Each screen is tailor-made according to individual requirements and will reflect your lifestyle, pre-existing conditions and family history.

In the event a disorder is discovered, further advanced diagnostic tests are available as well as follow up care and treatment, including specialist and hospital referrals if necessary. Clinical data is shared through an integrated electronic medical record system, allowing for a smooth transition from screening to follow up and for ongoing analysis of your health data.


Provides your doctor the opportunity to review key areas and potential issues prior to appointment and make adjustments to the planned screening program if necessary. It gives the patient the opportunity to reflect upon their health and come to the appointment prepared to address the issues that concern them the most.

2.  One hour appointment with doctor

To include:

  • Evaluation of questionnaire
  • Discussion regarding any further concerns/problems
  • Blood samples taken (same day results)
  • Examination
  • Personal Health Measurements
  • Review of results and advice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

3.  Health Screening

A range of health screening packages are available at PolyClinica No.1. Each screening package will be tailored to the individual and additional test may be added as required (additional tests not included in the packages are subject to additional charges).

4.  Review and report

Following the health screening, the doctor will review all results with the patient, fully expalining any issues or concerns, making recommendations for additional tests or consultations if required (such as nutritionist, dietician etc) and outlining advice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Patients will be provided with a full and comprehensive report that will include:

  • Personalised letter from the doctor outlining advice for maintaining a healthier you
  • Personalised PolyClinica health profile of results 

